Changing the LED Lights in Either Xbox 360 or PS3 Controllers
Do you want to take your favorite consoles controller to the next level? These few steps will teach you how to apply different color LED lights to your Xbox or PS3 controllers.
Game Crossovers: How Much Is Too Much?Before, game crossovers used to be a big thing back in the day taking one franchise to duke it out with another. However, more and more game crossovers are appearing as battle games featuring big hit titles. The question then arises: how much is too much game crossover until the concept becomes stale?
The Best NES Accessories That Failed Big TimeEver heard of the Laser Scope? How about the Roll&Rocker? These are the Nintendo NES list of accessories that have actually made a record. In failing, that is!
Have you ever wondered where your Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 came from? In this article. we’ll talk about the humble beginnings of the most popular gaming consoles being sold today in the market.
How to Connect Your PSP to Your TVContrary to popular belief it is very simple to connect your PSP to your TV. In this article I will discuss the different ways to play your PSP on your TV plus the advantages and disadvantages.